With about 26,800 students from Austria and abroad, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) is the EU’s largest educational institution for business and economics, business law, and social sciences. Studying at WU is an attractive choice for many students. WU's close ties to the corporate world and the resulting excellent job prospects, along with the wide range of programs available and the positive experiences of its graduates, all contribute to a success reflected in the following statistics:over 6,000 first year students per year, an average student population of 26,800, about 1,600 graduates annually and around 90 doctoral degrees awarded per year.
Lillehammer University College (LUC) is located in beautiful surroundings in central eastern Norway. The institution has a long tradition as education provider and is part of the Norwegian public higher education system. LUC is situated just outside the city of Lillehammer and has approximately 4200 students and an academic and administrative staff of 330 employees. All on one campus. LUC's academic range is wide: undergraduate programmes in Travel and Tourism, Business Administration, Organisation and Management, Sports Science, Film and Television, The Norwegian Film School, Health and Social Work, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Throughout its exciting history, Vytautas Magnus University has been faithfully nurturing and continuing is distinguished traditions. What sets this university apart is its willingness to organize studies, scientific research and life of the community in a different way. The VMU community – students, lectures, graduates – is united by the idea of artes liberales, i.e. the classical university of liberal arts – the lab of modern life, educating bold young people who are not afraid to experiment and are on their way to become professional contributors to their own county’s future. This is the space for young people to develop critical thinking and become more open-minded. Special attention is paid to aspects more and more appreciated in the constantly changing planet. This allows Vytautas Magnus University to remain an important and significant source of intellectual thought in Kaunas, Lithuania, Europe and the world.
The University of Economics, Prague is the leading university in the field of management and economics in the Czech Republic. The University of Economics, Prague has six faculties - five in Prague and one in Jindřichův Hradec in South Bohemia. These include: the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, the Faculty of International Relations, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Statistics and Informatics and the Faculty of Economics. The faculty based in Jindřichův Hradec is specialized in management. There are over 20,000 students enrolled at VŠE and those are served by about 700 academic staff and about 500 non-academic staff.
Latvia University of Agriculture is the only higher agricultural education establishment in Latvia and it aims to promote intellectual potential for rural development in agriculture; encourage young people to acquire higher academic and professional education; develop research; contribute to the cultural development; study, maintain and perfect the gained experience and pass it over to the future generations.
The university is multi-profiled. Besides the traditional study fields, LLU also provides multiform unique study programmes related with advanced agriculture, veterinary medicine, food production, forestry and landscape architecture and more than 300 lecturers and researchers carry out research significant for Latvia, Baltic Sea Region and also are involved in research programs of the European Union.
The university was founded in 1939 and it is located in Jelgava - an old cultural city which is only 40 km from the capital of Latvia - Riga. Jelgava is recognized as a true student town.
As an international student at the Latvia University of Agriculture you will find friendly academic environment. LLU authorities, academic staff and students cordially invite you to join our academic community. We believe that you will find your stay in Latvia fruitful and successful! WELCOME!
Birmingham has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a century. Characterised by a tradition of innovation, research at the University has broken new ground, pushed forward the boundaries of knowledge and made an impact on people’s lives.